Mandy Grey Lane

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My Farewell Address to You Obama

Dear Mr. Barack Obama,

The sincerity in your thanks last night to all of those that supported you and voted for you was heard and appreciated. But now it's my turn to thank YOU.

On January 21, 2009, I remember standing in the balcony of the auditorium in high school between classes to watch your inauguration. My school had decided to play it live in the auditorium while classes were going on so that students and teachers could come and see it if they had spare time. I remember being extremely emotional as a young black American girl, watching one of the most historic moments live. I remember seeing teachers of all races crying and so moved by the change we were seeing in our country. However, we knew it wasn't going to be easy for you. 

People in power swore that they would do everything they could to make you look bad and to make your presidency a living hell. On top of that stress, you and your family had such a burden to carry being the first black American family to have the most powerful position in a world where racism and stereotypes thrive. Somehow, someway, through persecution from all directions, you and your family remained strong, positive, inspiring, and literally turned the other cheek. You lived the slogan that you all made famous, "when they go low, we go high," and it was amazing to watch.  

You showed the world all at once what it meant to make wise decisions as a leader, how to speak to a nation and represent everyone in the audience, how to balance work and family and be great at both and so much more. You showed the world transparency, giving those that despised you the answers that they wanted when they questioned your religion and citizenship. You showed the world forgiveness by being able to shake hands with those that ridiculed you. You showed the world patience when you never gave up on our country even when we made some big mistakes. 

Over the past eight years, the world has been able to fall in love with your family. Your wife Michelle is so amazing. She's been a phenomenal role model to me and she always will be. She's extremely intelligent, she's hilarious, she's beautiful, she's stylish, she's a real life superwoman, and I admire her so much. 

 I don't know how to say goodbye. 

I've never been so proud to be a black American. Seeing our nation elect a man who  looks like me as president twice has moved me and made me so proud. But it's not just because my president was black, it's because my president was relatable, intelligent, cool, respected, and did such a great job. You created millions of new jobs, improved the state of our economy, provided so many people with healthcare, created new allies for our country, saved our automobile industry and so much more. Still you're able to walk away while people say you "made things worse."

When I was 19 I voted for your second term. It was such an amazing moment. I was so proud to be able to select your name on that list, and even more proud to see that our country chose you a second time. I can't express how much your legacy has impacted my life. I can never thank you enough for helping reshape the stereotypes that I faced growing up as a black American. I can never thank you enough for teaching me to love the skin that I am in. I can never thank you enough for showing me that in this world of racism and stereotypes I can still be anything that I want to be. Thank you for encouraging me, inspiring me, and helping our nation grow. You're my hero.



Amanda Richards