Mandy Grey Lane

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Inspiration Jar

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a great year so far (even though it’s only been 4 days) and I’m here to hopefully make it a little nicer.

In this following post I am including a little hack that is easy to make and will make your day a little brighter. I’m sure you’ve all seen some of version of this, but I call it Inspiration Jar. It’s a jar full of sayings, quotes, inspirations, memories that make you smile. The point of this jar is to start your day off on a positive note.

I made myself a "30 Days of Reflection Jar." Basically, I have included 30 notes that will inspire me or help me reflect on what is positive or what I can improve in my life on that day. You can make one for yourself or any loved one. I made mine for 30 days, honestly because I got a little lazy, but please feel free to add as many as you’d like. Add 365!!


• Jar

• Paper (preferably colored)

• Scissors

• Pen

You begin with a jar:

​It doesn’t matter how big, what color, plastic, or glass. Whatever floats your boat? I got this particular jar at Michaels for $1.

Then you get paper. I found this note pad in the dollar section of Target and thought the little strips of paper would make great slips for the jar.

You then add whatever you would like to put on the slip of paper, fold it up, and add it to the jar.

I wrote on the back of the slips of paper so when I fold it up the colorful side is shown.

Voila! You are done!

It might seem simple, but honestly it will be a little pick me up that you or a loved one will appreciate every morning.