Mandy Grey Lane

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Why I Don't Shop on Black Friday

So, lots of people know that I am obsessed with shopping. However, believe it or not, I am not a fan of Black Friday shopping. I bet it is exciting, lining up at your favorite stores before midnight, making sure you're ready for their doors to open, but honestly, I can't think of a worse way to shop. 

First of all, it's hard enough finding what you need in a store when it's practically vacant with just a few sales associates to assist you. Going shopping with a mob of people, all rushing to get the same selection of things that are actually on sale, just doesn't seem like it would be fun. I know you're probably thinking, well Amanda, it's just because you've never been. Oh, but I have. Two Black Friday's in a row I was at the cash register at Forever 21 ringing people up constantly for hours, just to discover that all we did was give out some coupons at midnight and the rest was just a bunch of sales that we kept going all weekend long. So that mob of people could've just come in on Saturday (if they didn't come at midnight the night before) and get the same items for the exact same price. These stores like to make it seem like they decided on the evening of Black Friday that they will grant us the weekend and continue these "rare deals," but the plan all along was to keep the sales going.  

If I've ever participated in Black Friday shopping, it's been online. I'm more of the Cyber Monday type of gal. When you shop online, you are able to compare and contrast prices for similar items across all sorts of companies. You can get the best deal doing just that. You can also sort items from low-high prices (on most sites) to ensure that you've scrolled through their best deals and lowest prices. Shopping online is GENIUS!

So, you can't convince me that standing in line, for items that I can purchase online, instead of sleeping is fun. I love shopping too much to let huge mobs ruin it for me. I prefer to spend more Thanksgiving family time together and listen to Christmas music!

Be safe today! Happy Shopping!