Mandy Grey Lane

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I'm Starting a YouTube Channel!

So as you all know, Greysi and I started Mandy Grey to document our post grad life and of course write about all the things we love. So far, we have had an average of 85 visits on our blogs per week! Thank you for your support!

​I've really enjoyed blogging and will continue to do so, but I want to start a new journey--YouTube. See, a lot of the YouTubers that I'm subscribed to are people who didn't necessarily know what they wanted to do with their lives (like me), or they're people who love fashion (also like me)....

YouTube has not only been a hobby or a pass time for these vloggers, but rather a career for them. YouTube has grown from being a site where you can find just about any funny video, song or commercial that you love, to a place where a lot of people have been discovered for their talents or their humor and have made a name for themselves. 

I've been feeling really lost lately and everything has been telling me to just give this a chance, and so Mandy Grey Lane subscribers, I will not only be writing, but I'll be recording content for you all as well. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and let me know what you want to see!