Mandy Grey Lane

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Me Day

Let me tell you something personal about myself, I'm really bad at being alone. I always tend to be around people and always manage to make plans, but there are those rare occasions when everyone is busy and there is absolutely nothing else to do. Weekdays are easy. I work all day and am too tired to do anything when I get home, but weekends bring me that extra layer of anxiety. Either I'm gonna be surrounded by friends and family or I'll be left alone...with my thoughts...yikes! Even the thought of that scares me. So if you're like me and have trouble filling your day in a productive way, then here are some tips and ideas for the perfect me day. 


And no I don't mean your genealogy roots, I mean, go back to something that you really love to do, but have been so busy you forgot about it. For me it's calligraphy. Yeah I know, very nerdy, and I'm not very good at it, but it relaxes me and it keeps me distracted enough to not think about the million troubles that spin around my mind every second of the day. Whether it be painting, knitting, cooking etc. Nothing is better than doing something you love, even for just an hour. 


Yeah, yeah, I know, this does not sound like fun, but I know we all do this. We all say we are going to get in shape and really start working out, but we always find an excuse to not do it. Well this is the perfect time. You're having a day to make yourself feel better and while you are working out, sure you're dreading it, but I promise you afterwards you will feel a MILLION times better. You'll think, "yeah, I did it!". Plus you get those endorphins out that I heard make you feel nice and happy! You don't even have to lift 200 lbs or run 10 miles, walk on the treadmill for 20 min or if it's nice out, take a walk outside. Put on your favorite playlist and forget about your troubles. What I like to do is have a quick 25 minute elliptical workout, that I got off of Pinterest, put on a nostalgic playlist, I've in an 80's mood, and sweat all your anxieties away! 


Do you have a list of books that you swear up and down one day you'll read? It could be a literary classic like Moby Dick or a guilty pleasure book, Twilight, and you tell yourself: "One day I'll get around to it". Well today is the day. I've made it a point to read at least a chapter a day from my book club selection, but I don't remember the last time I actually read for more than an hour for my own pleasure (non-book club related). I did just that this last me day and I didn't even feel the hour pass by. I put my phone on "do not disturb" and let the words take me away. Given, this particular book is not about a far away adventure, but I must say, it is a very interesting read. 


During the week we always find excuses to put something off. "I can't go to the store because I get home late and the store will be closed by the time I get there." "I can't mail this letter, I am way too tired to lick the stamp." Okay, that last example may be a little outdated, but you know what I mean. This is the day to get your life together, even for a few short hours. After you've finished a task, you can check that off your list, literally or figuratively, and again feel a whole lot better about yourself. It can even be something as simple as mailing a letter. Throughout the week you will think, "I should have mailed that letter. I won't have time this week or this next weekend. When can I do it?" and you will drive yourself crazy. Getting a small accomplishment completed may seem small and insignificant, but will have one less worry.


You can also plan out your week. If your one of those people who like to live on the edge and just let life guide, then more power to you! But if you're like me and the idea of not knowing stresses you out, then right your plan out for the week. Why not do it on your me day. You are literally making plans for yourself, the definition of me day. 

Finally, if all else fails...


Seriously, don't do anything. You've had a long week and all you want to do is put your feet up and watch some TV. Catch up on your shows, start a new one and binge watch the first season. Finally watch that movie that you've been telling yourself you're going to watch for the last 6 months. Grab some junk food, put on your most comfy clothes, and get that TV marathon started!

Whatever you decide to do on your day off, remember it is YOUR day. Do whatever you wanna do and relax. These days don't come too often, enjoy them!