Mandy Grey Lane

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That's Hula-rious!

IT'S SPRING! You know what that means? Bring on all the pastels! 

Well let me jump right into March's nail polish color: That's Hula-rious! 

This is a mint green pastel color that is a great way to start your spring transition from the dreary winter months. Don't get me wrong, I love winter, but after Christmas is over, January and February seem to drag on. With this color, even though it's still cold, at least here in Northern VA, your fingers still yell out SPRING! 

So O.P.I says "This pastel mint makes me want to dance with joy!" and albeit super cheesy, it is part of their "Hawaii" collection so they really play up that pun. I don't mind it as long as they keep this color coming! 

The first coat is very streaky, you definitely have to add a second, as I have below, but that's really all you need. 

Well there you have it! Hope you like this color and please let me know if you have ideas for next month's color of the month. I also want to give a shout out to my blog partner Amanda for helping me choose this color, so definitely props to her! I am up for any suggestions, you can comment below or on any of our social media platforms.