Mandy Grey Lane

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Book Challenge

So I think I’m starting my 2018 on the right foot. I love books. I’ve always loved to read, but as Netflix came into my life, books just faded into the background. Literally, they were behind my TV stand for a while.

I remembered staying up late trying to read one more page of the enthralling novel I invested my life into as a teenager.

I lived through these books. I fell in love with the characters and in many ways became the characters, but I grew lazy. Why read the story when I can watch it?  

I used to get lost in the pages and use my imagination to set up the story around me. So once I stopped reading, my imagination went along with it. I think that has become a problem with young people, we rely on images we have seen for creativity, as opposed to coming up with things our own. That’s where my inspiration for this goal came from.

Of course I’m not saying I’m giving up Netflix altogether…I’m not crazy! But I am saying that I’m going to try to read more.

So here is my plan:

Two books a month.

  • The first book will be for my book club. A group of us meet up once a month to discuss a book. All while, socializing, eating brunch, drinking coffee or wine — it’s a good way to keep you social and read. I meet up with a lovely group of women with different thoughts and ideas. It’s a great way to see a different side of the same story.  


  • The second book will be a book that I, personally, am reading for myself. I’m 25 years old. I’m a quarter way through my life. I’ve decided that I need to start reading a combination of:

o   “Books every women should read”

o   “Books to read before you turn 30”

o   “Books for your quarter-life crisis”

So, here are the books for the month of January:

Book Club: Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer

A psychological thriller that will make you question every word written. That's a vague explanation yes, but I guarantee it is a good read. My first book club meeting isn't until February, but I finished this book in 3 days. Yes--it's that good. 

Personal Book: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

A novel about a young girls struggles through adulthood and love. 

To be honest, I don't know why I chose this as my first book or why this is on the list of one of the "must reads", but I'll let you guys know once I start reading it. I'm not even sure I want to read it, but I'm following through with this challenge. 

BONUS: Both these books were adapted into film, so it will be nice to compare the books to the movies. 

I hope I can keep up with this challenge and read at least one book a month. Also, please join! We don't have to meet in person to be in my book club, just read along and comment with your thoughts.