How to Save Your Skin in the Winter
Winter is one of my favorite seasons. Unpopular opinion I’m sure, but I love the fashion, the color palettes, and most of all snow. I love snow. But winter comes with its downfalls, like the aftermath of snow where everything isn’t white anymore, but brown and dirty. Or when it’s way too cold to even look outside.
What I hate most about winter is what my skin does to itself. My weather app can tell me there’s 100% humidity outside on this 12-degree day, but my skin will dry up like the arctic dessert by merely the mention of the word frigid.
If you’re like me, you don’t have oily skin, or combination (only in the summer), but you have dry skin. So, what do you do during this 3-month long season?
I decided to try out a few products and routines and give you the scoop of what I found best.
But first, a few things to keep in mind:
Trial and Error
Honestly, that is all finding your right skincare product is, trial and error. You’ll find products that may have 1000+ reviews saying it is the best face cream of all time, but your skin can hate it. It’s happened to me a multitude of times, to my disappointment, but it just wasn’t right for me.
Yes, I just told you that sometimes reviews may get it wrong, but 1000+ people say it worked for them and it may be right for you too.
You may think that research is too much just to buy face cream, but believe it or not, there may be reasons why the cream you’re buying isn’t working and it’s just a google search away.
People love Clinique products, there are a plethora of reviews claiming it is a miracle brand, but let me tell you, it does not work for me. Not at all. With a quick google search, I could deduce that some ingredients the brand uses, Sodium Laureth Sulphate for example, don’t cooperate with my skin type and moving forward, when looking for a new face cream, I make sure those ingredients aren’t included.
*hint hint* Keep an eye out for Sodium Laureth Sulphate when searching for facial creams because it is known to dry skin out and does not help sensitive skin.
Also, don’t be embarrassed of your google searches, google doesn’t judge.
Here are some of my common google searches:
Face cream for dry skin
Face cream for dry skin only in the winter
Face cream for dry skin only in the winter, but can be used for the summer
Inexpensive face cream for dry skin only in the winter, but can be used for the summer
How to take a 3-month long vacation to a tropical country during the winter
*Helpful Tip* Most beauty stores, Sephora, Ulta, etc. offer samples. Don’t be afraid to ask for some or to ask the employees their opinion. I’ve noticed that a lot of these stores have a “skin care specialist” and they will have more information for you.
Okay, I’ve bored you enough, on to the product reviews
I tried a few different beauty products, ranging in prices and here are my honest reviews on them. You can trust me, no one is paying me, my bank account can vouch.
First Aid Beauty - Ultra Repair Cream Intense Hydration
I used this cream all last winter and was not disappointed. On top of my dry skin, it’s also for sensitive skin, so I was intrigued to see that it is marketed specifically for people with sensitive skin.
I love this product, but it’s a little pricier than others, coming in at around $32
Clinique – Dry Skin, 3-Step Skin Care
As previously mentioned, Clinique does not work for me, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try it. What compelled me to test this out is their sample size kit that comes with facial soup, clarifying lotion, and moisturizing lotion, all for the low, low price of $20. What’s not to love?
Again, I did not love it.
Neutrogena Hydro-boost Gel Cream
What drew me to this cream is the inexpensive, name brand Neutrogena. I read great reviews of how hydrating this cream is for being a cheaper brand.
I tried it for about a week, but unfortunately, did not like the waxy feel it left on my skin.
Purity Moisturizer - $25 Mario Badescu’s Facial Spray - $5
A piece of advice I can whole heartedly give you is that you don’t have to stick to just one brand. You can mix and match!
For example:
I just started using Philosophy’s Purity Moisturizer and I like how light weight it is, but something was missing. Now I pair it with Mario Badescu’s Facial Spray with Aloe, Cucumber, and Green Tea, for an added mist of hydration that feels just right.
Old Faithful
I know sometimes we can get bored. Every year a new trend or brand comes along and swears to be the best new thing, but if you have a product that you’ve used for years and it’s working for you, don’t rock the boat.
I’ve used Ponds Dry Face Cream since I was a sophomore in high school and have never been disappointed with my skin. I have wandered off and tried different products, as this post has highlighted, but I always go back to my first love, Ponds.
Keep in mind that sometimes your skin may change and there may be frustrations, but feeling comfortable in your own skin should be a priority.
If you have any suggestions, please let me know and I will gladly try it out!
Greysi May