It's the First Day of Summer, But I'm Still Working
Yay! It's June 21, the first day of summer!! ...But now that we are adults, is summer still as exciting as it used to be?
HS Senior trip with one of my good friends Stephanie (right) #throwback
Here in Illinois it seemed like it was never going to warm up, but finally we are in the 75°F to 95°F range and it feels amazing! Although the weather feels great and school is letting out, my job is still there and my schedule hasn't changed. I can't help but reminisce on the days where summers meant sleeping in, having hours of free time, playing outside, hanging out with friends, going to the pool (even though I couldn't and still can't swim) and watching tv all day long! Summers used to be the time of year we would all count down the days for!
This year I want to encourage all of you young adults that are working this summer to MAKE FUN PLANS! I still think summers can be fun "post grad," we just need to try to squeeze in all the things we used to do during the summer whenever we have free time and make it a priority. I also think having fun becomes a necessity when we grow older, because our lives can so quickly become a dangerous cycle of eat, work, and sleep. Not taking time for yourself can impact your well-being and mental heath.
So, whether it's on the weekends, or random days off during the week, find some time to gather a few friends, coworkers or family members and travel, plan a beach trip, go out to eat at a rooftop restaurant, exercise, go for a bike ride or a hiking trip. Relax and get some fresh air!
Make the most out of your Summer '17 so you can relive the excitement we once had as kids when summer finally began!! But this time without waiting for mom or dad's permission. So, what are you waiting for?
- HAGS, and stay tuned for some fun summer blogs from Mandy Grey Lane!