New Year’s Resolutions
If you’re like me and about 99% of the population, keeping your New Year’s resolution is a task that oh so often goes uncompleted. Every year I tell myself the same thing “I’m going to keep it this year. I will follow through and see results!” Cut to January 2nd: “At least I tried…” I didn’t.
I can’t sit here and tell you how to keep a resolution and lecture you on the importance of following through because I haven’t, but I want to follow you with your process, along with mine, so maybe we can do it together. So I’m going to include some tips and tricks on how to keep yourself motivated for more than a month, not only for you, the readers, but for myself as well.
First off, let’s start with the types of resolutions.I will include the most popular (which most of you will probably choose, including me). This doesn’t necessarily mean these are the ones you need to follow. You want a resolution that best represents what you would like to change or improve in your life.
• Get in shape (lose weight, eating healthier, and exercising)
• Get organized (managing stress and can fall under the “save money” category, I’ll explain how so later)
• Save money (getting out of debt and spending less)
• Learn a new language
• Reduce social media usage
*DISCLAIMER* I will combine resolutions together since a lot can overlap or can add value to each other. Here are a few tips that might help your resolutions better.
I am going to start with the most popular…
Resolution #1: Get in shape. This, to me, means that I will eat healthier and exercise more, which I hope will help me lose weight.
Tip #1: Drink lots of water. I have to admit, this one is a tough one for me. I love Coca-Cola. Coke runs through my blood, but it is VERY UNHEALTHY. For me it’s hard to remember to drink water throughout the day, but here are some things that have helped me remember to drink water.
➢ I have a cute tumbler that motivates me to drink more water (pictured below). The recommended amount of water that is suggested you drink is about half a gallon a day (64 oz.). This tumbler holds 24 oz. which means I should drink about 3 ½ of these to meet the day. If you’re like me and are shooting for a whole gallon a day (ambitious I know) then I would be drinking 5 ½ of these.
➢ Another suggesting, that I use sometimes as well, is to get a water bottle infuser. They are regular water bottles that have a little cage where you can add fruits. This makes your water taste a little sweeter but still has all the health benefits of regular water, since no sugar is added.
Tip #2: Eat healthier. I have a big problem with this because eating healthy can be time consuming and expensive. If you’re like me and have no time to actually cook, I suggest you meal prep. I have included a book of recipes for meal prep!
Tip #3: Join a gym. I know this can get a bit pricey, but if you can afford it, I suggest you join a gym. If you’re thinking “I have no idea what to do at a gym” then you aren’t alone. That is EXACTLY how I feel, but there are plenty of articles online that give you gym exercises (for beginners or any level.)
Tip #4: Walk. It’s very simple. Use the stairs instead of an elevator. Go the long way to get a drink of water at the office. Walk at least half an hour a day, outside or at the gym. It might seem simple and ineffective, but getting just that tiny bit of exercise a day can make a difference.
BONUS TIP: It is a well-known fact that being in shape can help with stress (helping you out with that resolution!)
Resolution #2: Get organized. So many resolutions will fall into this simple resolution, watch:
Tip #1: Get a planner, something that you can write down your daily, weekly or even monthly plans. You don’t only have to use it as a scheduler for appointments, but you can use it to remember when to pay bills, how much to spend for the month, and how much to save. There are many different types of planners that you can use that match your style. I love Lilly Pulitzer agendas, I just got the one pictured above that gets me excited to start organizing and planning!
BAM! That gets, getting organized, saving money, getting out of debt, spending less, AND managing stress all in one sitting. You’re welcome!
Resolution #3: Learn a new language.
Tip #1: Get Duolingo, it’s free app you can get on your phone that helps you practice a language once a day. It’s simple and lots of fun. I’m going to try to learn French this year. Oh là là!
Last but not least…
Resolution #4: Reduce social media usage. I HIGHLY recommend this resolution. It’s been awhile since I have used personal social media outlets (Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook…) and it has really helped me out in more than one way. Without me knowing it, I would look at other people’s post and see what they had and wondered what was wrong with me that I didn’t have as many friends, travelled more, was married etc. The list goes on and on. I was beginning to compare myself with people who were in totally different places in their lives. It wasn’t intentional and it wasn’t healthy. That is why I recommend you go on a social media cleanse. It not only helps you mentally, but it helps you communicate with people on a more personal level then through a screen because if you actually wanted to know what is happening in someone’s life you actually have to ASK THEM, not see it online. And vice versa. Also, as cruel as this may sound, it helps cut out the fake people in your life and believe me, you don’t need toxic people.
The point is, I want you to have a great 2017. It’s not going to be perfect and it might take some work, but maybe these little resolutions will make it a bit better.
I’d like to know some of the resolutions you will be making this next coming year in the comments below!