My Farewell Address to You Obama
Amanda Nicole, PoliticsAmanda NicoleEthnicity, 2008, Superheroes, American, Family, 2009, 8 years, Respect, Thanks Obama, Michelle Obama, Inauguration, Pride, Farewell speech, Love, Votes, Supporter, Democrat, Obama Farewell, Black president, 44th president, Im with her, Country, Voting, 4 more years, 2016, America, United States, Hero, Barack Obama, Black American, Obama family
Meet My "Decorator"
Beauty, GreysiGreysi May2016, 2017 Fashion, Confidence, Strength, Monthly, Sally Hansen, Stand out, Red, 2017, OPI, Power, 2017 survival tips, Nail polish, Women
2016 - The Year of Change
Amanda Nicole, AdultingAmanda NicoleAfter graduation, Better you, Passions, After College, 2016, Self care, post grad, Job offers, gain experience, Dream job, Goals, graduation, Blogging, Educate, Family, be confident, Advice for new graduates, Great Job, Advice for after college, advice, #adulting
New Year’s Resolutions
Advice, GreysiGreysi MayRead, New Years, Social media, 2017, Resolutions, Exercise, Self care, Goals, Languages, Walk, Educate, 2016, Eat, Work out, Healthy eating, Health, Run, Forgive, Better you